Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Too well loved to ever be forgotten...

I have taken a LONG sabbatical from blogging. I’m not sure if I was just too busy with work, life, or the lack of inspiration to write, but today I’ve had emotions that motivated a longing to express recent thoughts. 
Tragically, yesterday morning, a friend died in a car wreck. She was healthy, active, and full of life. And then she was gone...
I’ve known Channing for years but only really got to know her recently in the past year or two. Though Channing was not one of my closest friends, her death has impacted me in a way I never would have thought possible. But that was the thing about Channing, she touched everyones life she came into contact with.  She had a whimsical essence that made everyone love her. I went through the dictionary trying to think/find the right word to describe her. And yet, in a book filled with 80,000 words, I still could not find a word to aptly describe the wonderful woman she was. She was energetic and passionate about life, her son (one of the best mothers I may know - he was her heart and soul), her husband (who she'd loved since grade school), family and friends, and her work. She displayed a seemingly endless wellspring of inspiration that could barely be contained, and therefore she radiated those qualities throughout her brief but unforgettable journey. 
The premature death of a young promising person always shocks us. It almost makes us slip into a depressive mood. When I first heard the news I felt so sad for all those who loved her. I felt sick about everything she will miss and everyone who will miss her. My thoughts went to Rigby (her husband), who now has to do everything alone at the same time as he is grieving for his wife. Tristan (her son), to whom understanding will come slowly and will likely pierce his dad’s heart over and over asking about her, without meaning to. Who will grow up without a mom to guide him through the things we rely on moms for. Then the thought crossed my mind that he is so young, he might not even remember her much later in life - which saddens me even more. Her mother, who never imagined she would be faced with the death of her child prior to her own. That’s only suppose to happen in movies like Steel Magnolias, not in real life. Her sister, who relied on her sense of reason and words of wisdom. Her friends, who pick up the phone and realize she’s not just a call away anymore...  
The premature death of a young promising person also makes us philosophical, making us aware of the transitory nature of the earthly happenings. Though the feeling of detachment does not stay with us for long, it still manages to evoke sensitivity that makes us come face to face with the reality of our own vain pursuits in life. I reflected on the suddenness and unpredictability of her death and how alarming it was. It starts to make you think about how lucky you are and how not to take one day for granted. 
As I sit here writing with my heavy heart this quote came to my mind: “Everyone leaves footprints in your memory, but the ones that leave footprints in your heart are the ones you will truly remember”. I then started to consider the characteristics of people who touch your heart or as I think of it “change your world”, I am sure that is exactly what Channing Rodgers did: She changed the world for all who knew her.
I’m asking all that read this to please remember Channing’s family in your prayers - not just today or this week, but in future prayer as well. This family has a long road of healing to go, but they have one beautiful special Angel watching and helping above. 

We should remember her forever, love daily, forgive and forget, and give give give... pay it forward and do something good for someone in Channing's memory.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just in time for my Birthday :)

The rumors that started yesterday about Apple holding an iPad 2 event on March 2nd are true.  This morning Apple sent out invites to ”come see what 2011 will be the year of”

So, What I'm Thinking Thursday is that this little release has come just in time for my birthday (hint...hint...my oh so beautiful, caring, and thoughtful mother and of course my awesome, strong, admirable daddy :) So yes, in my 25 years of being an only child, I've learned sucking up can work :) I shall let you all know if I have these oh so great parents I think I do :) OKay, so yes no matter what I'm going to invest in this baby whether I happen to get it as a gift from someone or if it is a gift to myself, I WANT ONE! 

I use to be the person who thought a mp3 player was the same thing as an iPod (gasp... I know right, scary?) then I got my MacBook Pro and well... I'm pretty sure Apple has brainwashed me. I won't ever own another brand of computer but a Mac. Yes, I really do believe they are that much better. THey make my job easier and so much more fun to do projects on! And honestly, what high school student doesn't have an iPod. iPhone, iPad, or wants one? ALL of them! Needless to say, I've turned into a huge apple advocate (I think they should pay me, seriously). Anyhow, back to my point - this would be the rambling I warned about - I specifically stayed away from the iPad because I knew that I would want one. I had not even picked one up to play with (all those times in the apple store, I just walked on by) and then my coworker/great friend had to go and buy one! Well it was over then. Once I played with it... the jealousy sank in and I had to fight the urge to go get one then. So I figured I'd be okay without one for a little while. Wrong!  The next week went to a technology convention. Well, just guess what vendor was there? Apple of course. I took a 2 hour class on the iPad and how to use them in the classrooms / teaching and it was over from there. So here I am two weeks later overjoyed because holding out for this iPad2 was getting tough!

Well that is all for Lisa Lately ;)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Facebook... Seriously?

So, maybe I’m overstepping my boundaries here but I felt the need to share this... Today an article was posted on pretty much every news site possible (http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/02/21/celebrate-revolution-egyptian-names-baby-girl-facebook/ ) about an Egyptian couple that named their baby girl “Facebook”. They said they named her in honor of the role the social network played in the revolution in Egypt resulting in the departure of the President Hosni Mubarak. The article also stated they named their firstborn child Facebook as a way to express their gratitude about the victories achieved by the country’s youth. Okay, I’m all for advocating support for the social networks and how they can do great things but at the same time to name your child after it? Can you imagine your name being Facebook? As a friend said at dinner tonight, maybe they will call her “FB”. I am a teacher so I’ve seen almost every name in the book but this one may be the worst. All I can say is that poor girl. 
Okay, yes I’ve been a bad blogger this past weekend. But I achieved a lot of things this weekend:
    • Friday night our girls basketball team played in the North-Half tournament and played a good hard game but lost :(  It was a sad night to watch all my senior girls cry after the game knowing that was the last time they’d ever play. I never played a high school sport (I’m sure my parents thank me because they would probably still be paying off the hospital bills if I had played) so I don’t personally understand their heartache but I can empathize - when my kids are sad, I am too.
    • I went to bed early Friday night and it was absolutely wonderful! 
    • Saturday I got to go to Memphis with my wonderful mother and spend some needed mother/daughter time 
    • Saturday night I went out to celebrate a friends 26th birthday! Enjoyed sitting on the balcony of the square (see picture above to right) in the warm evening air (okay it got a little chilly but hey, it seemed warm compared to the cold weather we have had) and 26, it’s our last year in our middle 20‘s...Gosh we are getting old... 
    • Sunday I finally got to sleep in! Toddy and I cuddled on the couch watching the Law & Order SVU marathon on USA (yes, it is addicting and I love it)
    • Sunday afternoon I took Toddy for a walk since it was a beautiful 70 degrees outside! if you didn’t adventure outside, you missed out!
    • I also managed to wash clothes, clean the house, grade a huge stack of papers, and get lessons done
So I would say this weekend was a good one! Oh and Lisa Lately has hit 275 views in just one week! I must say thank you to all who view because I never imagined I would have that many views in 7 days! Hope you all had a great Monday!
That is all for Lisa Lately

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thirsty Thursday...

Well it is finally Thursday evening which means two things: (1) Grey’s Anatomy and (2) tomorrow is finally FRIDAY! I must say that this week has been one extremely long week since I didn’t work at all last week. No, I’m not a slacker I promise. As I mentioned on the first post, I was inspired to start this blog because I went to a technology conference with work last week. Then we had our surprise snow storm which lead to school being closed Thursday and Friday. I must say to all those people who complained that we never got snow... I sure hope you are happy now and have gotten enough of what you asked for. I just hope Punxsutawney Phil was correct about an early spring. It is hard to believe this time last week we had a sheet of ice and several inches of snow on the ground and today it was 72 degrees. Welcome to the south - if you don’t like the weather, stick around it will change soon. 
Anyhow, getting back in the swing of getting up a 4:45am has taken its tole on me and I am drained. Unfortunately, tonight my neighbors are not so tired. Since I live in a college town almost anywhere one lives they have a college student near. I get the pleasure of living near a few of them. It is almost 10pm and I’m ready for bed... they on the other hand are just now getting ready to go out... Oh the college days, when we would come home, take naps, get up at 8 or 9, get ready to go to the bar, and then finally go to the bar around 10. I’ve progressed into adulthood for sure because I couldn’t imagine doing that right now - all I want in my bed!
So, in honor of the college years and “Thirsty Thursday” I thought I’d post my favorite yummy drink...
Lemon Drop Martini:

  • 1½ ounces Vodka
  • ½ ounce Triple Sec
  • 1 tsp Superfine Sugar
  • ¾ ounce Lemon Juice, freshly squeezed
  • Ice Cubes
  • Superfine sugar, for dipping
  • Twisted Peel of Lemon
The Making of the Lemon Drop Martini:
1. Mix vodka, triple sec, sugar and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker, which has been half-filled with ice.
2. Shake really well.
3. Now, pour the strained liquor into a sugar-rimmed martini glass.
4. Garnish with a twisted peel of lemon while you forget about your twisted week at work.

For sugar coating your glass:
Rub a lemon wedge across the drinking surface of the glass, barely moistening it. Dip the rim of the glass into sugar and you’re ready to go as soon as you add the liquid with a twist.

and since I’m partaking in the “Thirsty Thursday” blogging experience, I figured a few inspirational quotes - okay more like amusing quotes on the topic - would put a smile on your face. 
  • I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, That's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra

  • Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.-Frank Sinatra

  • You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. -Dean Martin

  • For a quart of Ale is a meal for a King. -William Shakespeare

  • It only takes one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can’t remember if it’s the thirteenth or the fourteenth.  -George Burns

  • Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut -Ernest Hemingway

That it is all for Lisa Lately 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Does Blogging make you feel like Carrie Bradshaw?

While sitting here wondering what to write today I suddenly had flashbacks to my obsession with watching Sex and the City especially since E! has started the reruns - yes I’m addicted. I mean Carrie Bradshaw manages to pose very interesting questions and answer them, be funny, entertaining and wear amazing shoes. How on earth do I think I can compare?!? I like shoes, although have nowhere near as many pairs, am not living a single girl life in New York (small town Mississippi is so not as cool) and am pretty boring in comparison. On the other hand, I am living the real life as I am sure many people are and maybe safety in numbers may work!  
So considering the options, and short of getting a contract with a newspaper to write a weekly column, then yes blogging could well be the answer. I want to be able to write down the contents of my brain, wonder openly and share humorous tales which are present and past and hopefully cause a few smiles along the way. Maybe someone somewhere is having similar issues or a worst case scenario everyone laughs heartily at my sorry excuse for a brain and thanks their lucky starts they aren’t me! Either way, I suppose I can’t complain. 
Like many 20-something women, Sex and the City and that fabulous foursome have been a part of my life a long time, and while it’s an imperfect series, it’s not one that ended without leaving a generation of women with a lot of life lessons. When it comes to fashion, I’ve always considered Carrie Bradshaw a heroine - whether it left me cringing or coveting, she always did it with zest, spunk, panache, and loads of style. 
So I thought I’d share with you 10 things Carrie Bradshaw taught me about fashion: 
1. Have FUN with Fashion/Don’t be afraid to try something NEW. Carrie’s outfits always showed her flair for fashion, and she wasn’t afraid to try something new– whether it was new to her or a new trend.  Her outfits always reflected her spunky and playful personality.
2. Invest in GOOD shoes.  Good doesn’t have to mean expensive and strictly Manolos–afterall, there are plenty of horror stories about designer shoes dying after walking a few NYC blocks.  But invest in good shoes, ones you can wear over and over, and that you love, that will treat you & your body great.
3. Fashion CAN be affordable and GOOD fashion CAN be found ANYWHERE.  Some of my favorite scenes from the tv series were seeing the gals in a shop that wasn’t high end.  From discount wedding shops to vintage shops, Carrie showed, especially early on, that great fashion & style could found at all price points.
4.  You don’t have to defend your love of fashion. To be honest, I don’t think I saw any of those women apologize for their love of fashion. Neither will I, and neither should you.
5. You’re never too old to play dress up. Whether it’s dressing up for a night out with the girls, or just because you’re feeling extra fabulous that day, Carrie reminds us all that we don’t need to save our best, most amazing frocks & accessories for special occasions. 
6. You DON’T have to to sacrifice personal style because: you hit 40 (or 52); you have kids; you’re in a professional job. One of the most inspiring things, as a young woman, was seeing how these women held firmly on to their sense of identity through relationships & break-ups, marriages & divorces, childbirth, aging, and more.  You are who you are– and that shouldn’t be sacrificed because an element in your life has changed.
7. It’s okay to buy what you can afford. Remember when Standford teases Carrie, about knowing her when she was in her early 20s and wearing Candies? Carrie Bradshaw didn’t start off with a fabulous shoe collection, and while she certainly wasn’t a model for savings & financial management, she grew in to her success as a writer and grew in to her shoe closet.
8. Fashion’s not more important than security– as a woman I can have AND create both for myself. Who really wants to grow up to be the old lady who lives in her shoes?  Not me.  I love that Sex and the City focused on the financial savvy (or lack of) with these women.  I think it’s easy for us to fall in to traditional gender roles and not take an active role in our finances beyond our bank accounts.  Maybe a better path for Carrie (and our future fabulously earning selves) would have been $500 pair of shoes, $500 invested in stocks/IRAs/etc?
9.  Look to the past, and your own past, when shopping.  Early Sex and the City Carrie loved her vintage, and I imagine she was the type of woman to shop for life– buying pieces she knew she’d love in 10 years, regardless of how it was dated or not.  Find the pieces that flatter your mind and your body, and keep it in your possession until it’s worn out.
10. Just because it’s in style– or out of style– doesn’t mean it’s for/not for you. One of the great things Patricia Field did in designing the show was creating women with their own sense of style.  Trends can fit in to, be a part of, or expand your own sense of personal style.  But always be sure to keep an open mind about fashion.

Well I really didn’t intend for this Wednesday to become fashion day or Sex and the City obsession day but hey, it happens. Hope you all had a great hump day. That is all for Lisa Lately 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday YouTube!

While enjoying my 45 minute drive to work this morning (I hope you can hear the extreme sarcasm in my voice), I eagerly awaited my guilty pleasure of hearing the “Today in History” segment that Rock 103 does ever so poetically. They always seem to intrigue me in the things they choose to tell. Sure enough they did today but in a delightful way. I always love hearing something I can use in my classroom and well sometimes it is hard to find things that are relevant and/or interesting. Okay, I’ll stop rambling - I warned you I do this frequently. They announced that YouTube officially began 6 years ago today. However, it wasn’t Beta launched until May of 2005 (please don’t ask me what it means I just googled it) and wasn’t completely launch for full public use until December of 2005. But who really cares about specifics? Anyhow, only 6 years ago? Wow, right? Its hard to remember the days before you could just pull up a video whenever you wanted... a commercial, a celebrity mishap, a song, a laughing baby, or even snow on the Ole Miss campus. So, I asked my students today how old they thought YouTube had been around. Their answers? Our future leaders responded with answers such as: 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, and every number between that. I will give them credit that most didn’t think it was over 20 years old - I mean goodness it wasn’t as old as me they said, geez thanks. Oh did I mention that I teach 12th grade? Some of these kids were in middle school when YouTube started, it was just 6 years ago. But then again I was told that I was not correct that Facebook is less than 10 years old too, hey what do I know anyway? 
So I thought I would share some of my favorite YouTube videos with you all... Just think what we would all be missing without these? Enjoy :)

Who can resist "Charlie Bit My Finger" - If you haven't seen this, I have no  clue where you have been hiding the past few years...

And this baby laughing is just so adorable... if you don't smile while watching this, I'm pretty sure you aren't human. 

Last baby one I promise... But can you just see this poor child when he is in high school? He will forever be known as the Baby dancing to Beyonce (at least he had good taste)

The very beginning of the Evolution dance...

Which then led to multiple wedding dances like this...

Then who can forget "Don't tase me, Bro!" - to which I might add he later admitted he was never tased 

Okay, I'm sorry South Carolina but I couldn't resist... 

No, this isn't my little man but it is an Italian Greyhound doing what they do best! It just reminds me of Toddy:

I have come to the conclusion that people have too much time on their hands:

And any Ole Miss fan can appreciate this:

and the last one.... BASEBALL SEASON IS ALMOST HERE! 

Hotty Toddy! that is all for Lisa Lately 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day... or Singles Awareness Day

I've never been a big fan of Valentine's Day. There is something about a cupid flying around with a bow and arrow that kind of creeps me out. After all, how can shooting someone with an arrow be a gesture of romance? Anyways, celebrating Valentine's Day can be fun, exciting, romantic or sometimes odd and uncomfortable. In the elementary teacher world Valentine's Day celebrations consist of little paper bags of candy and hand signed cards from students (note picture to the left). In the secondary teacher world you are faced with the awkward 18 year old student kneeling in front of you with a rose... can we say awkward. I mean what are you suppose to say to the student? So as a 25 year old teacher you simply smile and say thank you. Yes, in the high school world you occasionally receive candy and the cute “elementary” cards but rarely. I was faced today with the “awkward rose moment” yet again. The only thing that makes the situation better is knowing that most of these male students kneeled to every other female teacher in the hallway (thank goodness - I don’t need people thinking I’ll be the next story on News Channel 3). 
 So, after my day of interesting gifts from students - and watching these students run around with HUGE balloons, bears, and candy - I was then faced with the concept that if you are not with a loved one on Valentine’s Day then you basically feel like this eternal abyss of loneliness is creeping up on you (not that I have ever felt this way). I am guessing this is where the term “Single Awareness Day” or “SAD” day derived from. The fact that this day occurred on a Monday makes it even worse. When you are single it basically feels as if everyone and their mother, brother, and sister are receiving roses, stuffed animals, romantic candy, etc. Oh and don’t even think about going out to dinner... every restaurant is running some “couples special”. I’m pretty sure this is what drives singles to drinking, watching sad lead you to crying “chick flicks”, or eating buckets of cookie dough. What is the single person to do on Valentine’s Day? Celebrate with the girls of course! Which leads me to the next question... what if all the girls have guys? Then what do you do? I have never been faced with this dilemma, however, I feel for those singletons who have - 

Well that is all for Lisa Lately but will leave you with the lyrics of Cee Lo Green (just because it gets stuck in your head oh so easy) FORGET YOU... it has been my theme song of the day :)